Wellington Chess Club



The Wellington Chess Club meets every Thursday evening (excluding January) at the Wellington Bridge Club, 17 Tinakori Road Thorndon. The Junior club is at 6:30pm, senior competition starts at 7:30pm

Please don't park at the Bridge Club, there's plenty of parking on Thorndon Quay (under the motorway) just a short walk away (free in the evening only).

What's Hot Right Now

Get well soon Arthur! In the meantime the acting club captain is Aidan Malcolm aidan.malcolm@outlook.co.nz, thanks to Aidan for stepping up in our time of need.

The Julian Mazur is now complete, congratulations to winner Nic Croad, with 6 wins and a half point bye due to Olympiad duty! Thanks to Aidan for running the last two rounds with great aplomb, even managing to enter all the games (something that's beyond the patience and capabilities of either Arthur or Bill).

Next up a little light relief, the Club Blitz Champs before the club champs. My apologies for not having this on the schedule until very recently!

The Club Champs starts after that, on September 26th! Please send your entries to Bill Forster billforsternz@gmail.com. Indicate whether you want to play in the FIDE rated round robins, or the Swiss. Entry to the FIDE rated tournaments will go to the 20 highest rated players (but don't let that discourage you from applying if you are really keen - sometimes we make adjustments!). PLEASE - ONLY APPLY FOR THE ROUND ROBINS IF YOU ARE COMMITTED TO COMING EVERY WEEK, WITH ONLY VERY OCCASIONAL EXCEPTIONS.

Note also that the North Island Rapid Championship is coming up on November 16th.

Thanks as always to the regular game submitters, John Marney, Eric Ulm, Andrew Brockway, Leo Hupert, Aidan Malcolm, Michael Ashe, Ian Sellen. Special thanks to Ryan Winter for extra game entry for round 3. We don't try to get 100% game coverage any more (it's too much work - although Aidan powered through it and achieved 100% in Julian Mazur rounds 6 and 7). If you want your games recorded in the club records, submit them. Or failing that, play good games with clear handwriting!

We have played (and won!) our first Bledisloe Cup Online Hybrid match, against Hawkes Bay.

Games Database - Here is the Wellington Games Database, through the end of 2023: PGN

What's Coming Up

The Club Champs and the North Island Rapid Championship.

Last update: 14th September 2024